
Herbrium Database



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QBG No. 84817
Scientific name


Aglaia sp.
Family name


Local name




K. Kertsawang 2303
Collected date


25 Apr 2012


Field note


Sandy soil. Evergreen mixed deciduous forest near stream. Tree about 10 m high. Apical shoot with densely hairs, dark reddish brown. Leaves imparipinnate; leaflets subopposite or alternate. Fruits globose to subglobose, immature grayish green with stellate hairs. Uses: ripe fruits are edible, arillode sour-sweet.
Collected location


Chaiyaphum, Thailand
Altitude (m)

ความสูงที่พบ (เมตร)

Specimen type


Dried specimen sheet and DRY
Author specimens


No. QBG NO. Scientific name Collector
1. 3713 Aglaia sp. W. Nanakorn et al. 3713
2. 10636 Aglaia sp. P. Srisanga, D.D. Tirvengadum, C. Glamwaewwong 238
3. 14899 Aglaia sp. S. Watthana, S. Intamusik, P. Suksathan 439
4. 25858 Aglaia sp. Bot. KU 2006 55
5. 38215 Aglaia sp. P. Wessumritt 150
6. 38718 Aglaia sp. S. Watthana 2944
7. 49305 Aglaia sp. S. Gardner, P. Tippayasri ST 1635
8. 49313 Aglaia sp. S. Gardner, S. Sidisunthorn, P. Tippayasri ST 1747
9. 49314 Aglaia sp. S. Gardner, S. Sidisunthorn, P. Tippayasri ST 1167
10. 49326 Aglaia sp. S. Gardner, P. Sidisunthon ST 828
11. 49626 Aglaia sp. S. Gardner, S. Sidisunthorn, P. Tippayasri ST 1515
12. 54382 Aglaia sp. T. Yingkhachorn 60
13. 67336 Aglaia sp. M. Norsaengsri, R. Insea 8160
14. 73208 Aglaia sp. M. Norsaengsri 11380
15. 76114 Aglaia sp. C. Maknoi 6659
16. 79010 Aglaia sp. P. Srisanga, M. Norsaengsri, W. La-ongsri, S. Suk-ieam, K. Phoutthavong, K. Souvannakhoummane L2 206
17. 79061 Aglaia sp. P. Srisanga, M. Norsaengsri, W. La-ongsri, S. Suk-ieam, K. Phoutthavong, K. Souvannakhoummane L2 256
18. 83018 Aglaia sp. M. Norsaengsri 12402
19. 87164 Aglaia sp. C. Maknoi, W. Pongamornkul, P. Yadee L4 7
20. 107457 Aglaia sp. C. Maknoi, W. Tanming, P. Yadee, P. Panyadee L11 230
21. 115690 Aglaia sp. K. Wangwasit 180124 46
22. 115764 Aglaia sp. K. Wangwasit 180322 14
23. 115956 Aglaia sp. K. Wangwasit 180718 44
24. 116034 Aglaia sp. K. Wangwasit 180912 23
25. 132880 Aglaia sp. Supalak Pumikong 2019 34
26. 137049 Aglaia sp. Yumiko Baba, Kittiphong Kertsawang, Cameron Kilgour, Carmen Pugliri, Michele Rodda, Prachaya Srisanga, Thant Shin, Phyu Phyu Hnin 103179
27. 141340 Aglaia sp. W. Thammarong, W. Tanming, C. Duangdang, S. Yokyo, M. Tabut 4155


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