
Herbrium Database



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QBG No. 43152
Scientific name


Lysionotus serratus D. Don
Family name


Local name




J.F. Maxwell 09 256
Collected date


8 Sep 2009


Field note


Deciduous, gregarious, epiphytic herb; rhizome tan, below the outer bark of a tree trunk with flaking bark; stems green, turning grey; inflorescence erect; peduncle green and brown; upper axes whitish; calyx light green, often with a brownish hue; corolla tube white with violet lines, lobes white on both sides, anterior 3-lobed, posterior 2-lobed; tube below midlobe of anterior lip with 2 light yellow ridges; anthers cream; stigma style, ovary & immature capsules green; of blades dull dark green above, light green underneath.
Collected location


Chiang Mai, Thailand
Altitude (m)

ความสูงที่พบ (เมตร)

Specimen type


Dried specimen sheet and DRY,ALC
Author specimens


No. QBG NO. Scientific name Collector
1. 1241 Lysionotus serratus D. Don W. Nanakorn et al. 1241
2. 6991 Lysionotus serratus D. Don W. Nanakorn et al. 6991
3. 9674 Lysionotus serratus D. Don W. Nanakorn et al. 9674
4. 11665 Lysionotus serratus D. Don P. Srisanga 253
5. 13708 Lysionotus serratus D. Don P. Suksathan 1479
6. 15246 Lysionotus serratus D. Don P. Srisanga 961
7. 18971 Lysionotus serratus D. Don W. Nanakorn et al. 18971
8. 18983 Lysionotus serratus D. Don W. Nanakorn et al. 18983
9. 18984 Lysionotus serratus D. Don W. Nanakorn et al. 18984
10. 20395 Lysionotus serratus D. Don P. Thongson 140
11. 21223 Lysionotus serratus D. Don P. Srisanga, C. Maknoi 2097
12. 24177 Lysionotus serratus D. Don C. Glamwaewwong 712
13. 25220 Lysionotus serratus D. Don P. Srisanga 2739
14. 28818 Lysionotus serratus D. Don S. Pumicong 452
15. 31896 Lysionotus serratus D. Don Pranee Palee 911
16. 32051 Lysionotus serratus D. Don Pranee Palee 1033
17. 32382 Lysionotus serratus D. Don J.F. Maxwell 06 450
18. 42482 Lysionotus serratus D. Don Zhou-Shishun 2081
19. 50086 Lysionotus serratus D. Don C. Phengklai T 49892
20. 52886 Lysionotus serratus D. Don Yin-Jiangtao 1766
21. 65374 Lysionotus serratus D. Don W. La-ongsri, M. Wongnak, P. Tatiya, S. Satatha 2446
22. 75734 Lysionotus serratus D. Don W. Pongamornkul 4319
23. 87051 Lysionotus serratus D. Don C. Glamwaewwong 58 344
24. 91222 Lysionotus serratus D. Don W. La-ongsri, K. Kertsawang, P. Panyanchan, P. Tatiya 3660
25. 91740 Lysionotus serratus D. Don W. La-ongsri, Panyachan, P. Tatiya 3717


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