
Herbrium Database



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QBG No. 78351
Scientific name


Muntingia calabura L.
Family name


Local name




V. Nguanchoo 295
Collected date


22 Jul 2012


Field note


Tree ca. 4 m high, stem pubescent. Petiole pubescent. Leaves pubescent. Flowers simple, white. Sepals green, pubescent. Petals caduceus, white. Stamens numerous; filament yellowish white; anther yellow. Ovary green, glabrous; style green; stigma 5(-6) grooved, green. Fruits berry with persistent style, green and turn to yellow-orange or red, glabrous; seeds numerous.
Collected location


Chiang Mai, Thailand
Altitude (m)

ความสูงที่พบ (เมตร)

Specimen type


Dried specimen sheet and DRY
Author specimens


No. QBG NO. Scientific name Collector
1. 1007 Muntingia calabura L. W. Nanakorn et al. 1007
2. 3345 Muntingia calabura L. W. Nanakorn et al. 3345
3. 28249 Muntingia calabura L. K. Kertsawang 523
4. 33259 Muntingia calabura L. Jatupol K. 07 40
5. 35745 Muntingia calabura L. Nobuyuki Tanaka, Hidetoshi Nagamasu, Akiyo Naiki, Sachiko Hishida, Prachaya Srisanga, Santi Watthana HN 8603
6. 37763 Muntingia calabura L. C. Skema 440
7. 38278 Muntingia calabura L. P. Wessumritt 255
8. 41311 Muntingia calabura L. V.D. Buchkin, N.A. Bokal 4928
9. 44948 Muntingia calabura L. Piyawan Winichainan HN 1254
10. 70926 Muntingia calabura L. M. Norsaengsri, W. Boonprakop 5749
11. 89403 Muntingia calabura L. W. Pongamornkul 5503
12. 93978 Muntingia calabura L. N. Tanaka, A. Tanaka, Than Than Aye, Khin Myo Htwe 21597
13. 95682 Muntingia calabura L. Sikkha Songkumchum SK 2
14. 102483 Muntingia calabura L. V. Nguanchoo 731
15. 114932 Muntingia calabura L. T. Choopan et al. 2018 36
16. 122088 Muntingia calabura L. W. Thammarong, P. Panyadee, W. Khattiyot, M. Tabut 1421
17. 123588 Muntingia calabura L. C. Maknoi, W. Tanming, P. Panyadee, W. Khattiyot L18 125
18. 123919 Muntingia calabura L. W. La-ongsri, N. Boonruang, P. Panyachan, P. Tatiya, S. Satatha 5841
19. 125018 Muntingia calabura L. S. Rakarcha, W. Thammarong, S. Wongwan, M. Tabut 640
20. 130339 Muntingia calabura L. N. Muangyen 3835
21. 135924 Muntingia calabura L. W. Pongamornkul 7886
22. 139032 Muntingia calabura L. P. Panyadee, R. Kantasrila, W. Rujichaipimon, M. Tabut 341


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